10 Brilliant Ways Baking Soda Transforms Your Garden

  1. Natural Fungicide: Create a homemade fungicide by mixing baking soda with water and a bit of liquid soap. Spray it on your plants to help combat fungal diseases like powdery mildew.
  2. Weed Control: Sprinkle baking soda directly on garden weeds to eliminate them without damaging nearby plants.
  3. Pest Deterrent: Dust plants with a mixture of baking soda and flour to repel pests like cabbage worms and aphids.
  4. Soil Conditioner: If your garden soil is too acidic, baking soda can help by neutralizing the acidity, creating a better environment for plant growth.
  5. Tomato Sweetener: To get sweeter tomatoes, sprinkle baking soda around the base of your tomato plants to lower soil acidity.
  6. Compost Booster: Speed up your composting process by adding a little baking soda, which makes the environment more alkaline and encourages decomposition.
  7. Odor Neutralizer: Sprinkle baking soda in areas like your compost bin to absorb unpleasant odors.
  8. Tool Cleaner: Use a paste of baking soda and water to scrub away dirt and rust from your gardening tools.
  9. Seed Germination Enhancer: Soak your seeds in a baking soda solution before planting to improve their germination rate.
  10. Ant Repellent: Keep ants away from your plants by creating a barrier with baking soda around their trails or the base of your plants.

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